Design Studio: Instru-met Load Frame
Quick Start
- TA assistance is required for usage
- Orange badge training required
- Useful for static tension and compression testing of materials or structures.
- Test Lab TA Office Hours
About This Machine
The Instru-Met static test frame offers a simple method for testing samples in tension or compression with up to 10,000 lbs of force.
- Maximum force: 5000 lbf and 10000 lbf, depending on the load cell attached
- Modular fixturing available to test most samples, both material and structural, in both tension and compression
- Available fixtures include tension grips, compression platens, and 3 and 4-point bend fixtures. Some custom set-ups may be accommodated but require advanced planning.Outputs data sets for further analyzation and processing
How to Use
Use of this machine is restricted to working with a Test Lab TA. Students will be able to design, set up, and execute their own test methodologies under the supervision of a TA.

Need Additional Help?
Contact a Test Lab TA for more information.
Maclaren Blow, TA
Jessica Coto, TA
Jacob Munoz, TA