Graduate FAQs
1. When is the application deadline?
For full consideration of an assistantship or fellowship, applications must be completed by January 15th.
The application review process begins in late January and continues until all assistantships and fellowships are awarded.
2. What if I do not meet the minimum score requirements?
Admission is selective and competitive based on the number of well qualified applicants and the research opportunities available with the faculty. Meeting the stated minimum academic requirements does not guarantee admission. However, applicants who do not meet some of the requirements aren’t necessarily precluded from admission if they offer other appropriate strengths.
3. Can I apply for both the MS & PhD Program?
No. You should apply to the degree program you wish to pursue.
4. What is the ETS University of Delaware institution code? Is a department code needed?
You only need to submit the University code of 5811. No department code is needed for our institution.
5. Do I need to mail hard copies of my unofficial transcripts?
Not during the applicant stage. Please see the Graduate College’s website for further details.
6. When will a decision be made?
After the January 15th deadline, the graduate committee meets and makes the majority of their decisions on who will be accepted. Most offers, including financial contracts, will go out sometime during the month of February. Applicants have until April 15th to accept or decline the offer. Additional offers may go out at a later date depending on availability of positions. You will automatically be considered for financial assistantships.
7. How do I find housing?
The University has a small number of graduate student apartments for rent, but the majority of graduate students find off-campus housing.
8. How do I sign up for insurance?
All students are required to carry health insurance. If you visited the International Students and Scholars Office or English Language Institute, you may have already received information about insurance. If you need an application or have questions, please contact Student Health Services in Laurel Hall.
9. As a Teaching Assistant, what will my responsibilities be?
Teaching Assistant assignments will be made in late August. You will work with a faculty member and your main duty will be to grade assignment papers. Graduate students do not usually teach classes. You will hold office hours for undergraduate students to meet with you. A few hours each week will be spent maintaining web pages for faculty.
10. What courses do I register for this year?
You should sign up for MEEG 690 in the fall.
You should also take at least two of the following four courses: MEEG 610 (fall), MEEG 620 (spring), MEEG 630 (fall), MEEG 640 (spring). Ph.D. Students with a Master’s Degree are not required to take these courses, but must know the material for the Qualifying Examination.
11. Will I have an office?
Whitney Sample, Lab Coordinator, will be informed of your arrival. You can ask him if an office is assigned.
12. Who do I contact about semester bills and payments?
The Cashier’s Office is located in the Student Services Building. Please note that all students must submit a Fee Payment Form each semester, even if no payment is required due to financial assistance.
Recruitment Contacts
Graduate Recruitment
Phone: 302-831-2423
Graduate College
234 Hullihen Hall
Newark, DE 19716
Phone: 302-831-6824