Achieving a Balance of Power

Achieving a Balance of Power

UD research team solves mathematical discrepancy in biomechanics Every engineer knows that the two sides of any equation should be equal. But when you are dealing with experimental data, sometimes the numbers don’t match up. When Anahid Ebrahimi, who recently earned a...
Five Win Support from UD Research Foundation

Five Win Support from UD Research Foundation

Awards provide traction for promising research Five University of Delaware professors have won support for promising early-phase research projects in widely diverse areas. The new awards from the University of Delaware Research Foundation – give researchers...
Student Named 2018 Cross Scholar

Student Named 2018 Cross Scholar

The award recognizes future leaders of higher education Anahid Ebrahimi, a doctoral candidate in mechanical engineering at the University of Delaware, is a recipient of this year’s K. Patricia Cross Future Leaders Award from the Association of American Colleges &...
Engineering’s Malikopoulos Elected ASME Fellow

Engineering’s Malikopoulos Elected ASME Fellow

Fewer than 3 percent of society members earn this status Andreas Malikopoulos, an associate professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, has been elected Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). While ASME has more than 130,000 members...