Sambeeta Das

Assistant Professor


PhD | Pennsylvania State University, USA
MSc | University of London, UK
BSc | Presidency College, India

Executive Summary

Dr. Sambeeta ‘Sam’ Das is an assistant professor at the University of Delaware in the Mechanical Engineering Department. Before joining the University of Delaware, Dr. Das was a postdoctoral researcher for three years at the University of Pennsylvania. She was part of the GRASP Lab where she worked on microrobotic control and application of microrobots in biological systems. She earned her Ph.D. at the Pennsylvania State University in 2016 and her doctoral research was on directing micro and nanomotors and their applications in lab-on-a chip devices. Prior to her doctoral studies, she earned her Masters with distinction from the University of London and her Bachelors in Physics from Presidency College, India. She is the recipient of multiple awards including a graduate fellowship from the Pennsylvania State University, the overseas research award fellowship from the government of United Kingdom, and the Science and Engineering Excellence Fellowship from the University of London.

Dr. Das’s research is very interdisciplinary spanning multiple fields like robotics, autonomous systems, physics, organic chemistry, materials engineering, soft matter, and biomedical engineering. The goal of her lab is to seamlessly combine these disparate disciplines to address challenges in tissue engineering. Her research activities focus on develop microrobots capable of precision delivery of biochemicals and cellular patterning; for applications in personalized therapeutics, drug delivery, and high throughput biotechnology research.



  • Biomechanical Engineering
  • Clean Energy & Environment
  • Nanotechnology
  • Robotics & Controls


  • Biomechanics
  • Fluid Mechanics
  • Materials Engineering
  • Nanotechnology

Sambeeta Das

Assistant Professor

Sambeeta Das

Office: 330 Spencer Lab
Phone: 302-831-0149