Erik Thostenson



PhD / Materials Science and Engineering, University of Delaware
MS / Mechanical Engineering, University of Delaware
BS / Composite Materials Engineering, Winona State University


Dr. Thostenson is currently Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Delaware and holds an affiliated appointment in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering. Professor Thostenson’s research focuses on processing and characterization of composite materials focusing on carbon nanotube and advanced fiber reinforcements toward the development of novel multifunctional composites and micro/nano mechanics modeling techniques. His research has been widely cited in the scientific literature. During the course of his research he has developed novel processing and characterization techniques for the development of structure/property relationships in nanotube-reinforced polymer and ceramic composites. Thostenson, who also holds a master’s degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Delaware, performed his master’s and Ph.D. research at the University of Delaware’s Center for Composite Materials. Dr. Thostenson also has a Bachelors’ degree in Composite Materials Engineering (Summa Cum Laude) from Winona State University. Thostenson received a National Science Foundation Early Career Development Award (CAREER) in addition to a Young Investigator Program (YIP) Award from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research. He received the 2013 Distinguished Young Alumni Award from his alma mater Winona State University.

He also was the recipient of the Elsevier Young Composites Researcher Award from the American Society for Composites recognizing researchers who early in their career have made a significant impact on the science and technology of composite materials through a sustained research effort. He was the recipient of the inaugural Hayashi International Memorial Award from the Japan Society for Composite Materials, recognizing outstanding young international researchers in the field of composites. Thostenson also received the Allan P. Colburn Prize for outstanding dissertation in the engineering and mathematical sciences (University of Delaware Office of Graduate Studies), the Roy L. McCullough Scholars Award (Center for Composite Materials) for exceptional contributions to the literature on composite materials, and the Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering (SAMPE) Outstanding Graduate Student Award.


  • Composites & Advanced Materials
  • Nanotechnology


  • Aerospace Engineering
  • Materials Engineering
  • Solid Mechanics

Erik Thostenson


Erik Thostenson

223 Spencer Lab
Newark, Delaware 19716
Phone: 302-831-8789