Dec 4, 2017 | Faculty, Robotics
In two recently established UD labs, Malikopoulos tests fuel-efficient, CAVs Next time you buy a car, what will you look for? Most people want a model with automated features or better fuel economy than their current car, according to surveys from the American...
Nov 9, 2017 | Biomechanical, Faculty, Research
Mechanical engineering Professor Liyun Wang is the sixth director of UD’s CBER Liyun Wang, a professor of mechanical engineering, has been named director of the University of Delaware Center for Biomechanical Engineering Research (CBER), a research center that...
Oct 25, 2017 | Faculty, Feature Story, Honors, Robotics
Herbert Tanner named Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Today, you can walk into a car dealership and purchase a car that parallel parks itself, thanks to carefully designed algorithms and strategically placed sensors. Engineers like Herbert “Bert”...
Sep 19, 2017 | Faculty, Nanotechnology, Research
Take a ride on the University of Delaware’s Fuel Cell bus, and you see that fuel cells can power vehicles in an eco-friendly way. In just the last two years, Toyota, Hyundai and Honda have released vehicles that run on fuel cells, and carmakers such as GM, BMW and VW...
Sep 11, 2017 | Composites, Faculty
At international conference, the UD mechanical engineering professor gave key lecture In the field of composite materials, Tsu-Wei Chou is an icon. Chou, the Pierre S. du Pont Chair of Engineering in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, gave a plenary lecture in...