Making a Difference

Making a Difference

Campus responds to crisis with creativity, compassion While the coronavirus pandemic has upended our lives in many ways, the pandemic cannot stop the compassion and creativity of the University of Delaware community. In mid-March, research labs and health clinics...
A Celebration for Tsu-Wei Chou

A Celebration for Tsu-Wei Chou

Professor honored for 50 years of service to the University of Delaware When Tsu-Wei Chou, the longest-serving professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, was asked how he wanted to celebrate his 50th anniversary at the University of Delaware, he requested...
Driven to Discover

Driven to Discover

Students help build Delaware ground station for NASA mission Editor’s note: Research, community service, internships and study abroad are part of the summer for University of Delaware students. Follow them in action in our series of profiles and stories, which will be...