
The Mechanical Engineering Department at University of Delaware has been “Building Engineers” since 1891. We have over 3,600 living alumni who stay connected to the program, forming a tight-knit community that supports our current students and celebrates our collective accomplishments as UD MechE’s.

Stay Connected

There are many ways to stay connected to the UD Mechanical Engineering program.

Ways to Give Back

No matter if you are an early, mid, or late career alum, there are many ways to give back to your UD Mechanical Engineering community.

  • Sponsor a Senior Design Team: As  you well know, our senior design program is top-notch. Every fall, we recruit industry, academic, clinical and community partners with interesting design challenges to sponsor a senior design team. Contact us to have you or your employer sponsor a team.
  • Hire Fellow UD MechEs: Whether it is a summer internship for current students or a full- time career for recent alums, the department makes it easy for you to hire fellow UD MechE’s. Contact us to get started.
  • Pay It Forward (Literally): Make a gift to the department, and we promise we’ll put it to good use with the students. Learn more about alumni giving.

Annual Celebrations

The Mechanical Engineering Department hosts two great events annually for our alumni and friends.

  • Alumni Weekend (June): We kick off Alumni Weekend on Friday evening with a MechE Family Picnic on the front lawn of Spencer Lab and wrap up in time for you to hit Delebration on The Green. Come back Saturday during the day for department- sponsored sporting events like golf and bike rides as well as open house tours of Spencer Lab makerspaces and research labs.
  • Homecoming (October): Come back in the fall for a two-day Homecoming celebration. The festivities kick off Friday afternoon with a series of networking events with your fellow mechanical engineers on Main Campus, followed by a department tailgate on Saturday at the football game.

Recognize a Fellow UD MechE

Do you know a UD MechE who is accomplishing great things with their career? Nominate them for an Alumni Award.

Every year, we recognize outstanding Early Career (<20 years post graduation) and Distinguished Career (20+ years) recipients. Complete this quick online application to nominate a candidate. Self-nominations are welcome!

View previous Alumni Award winners.

Your Gifts at Work

Alumni giving supports essential, student-focused initiatives in the UD MechE department. We welcome gifts of any amount. Please designate “Mechanical Engineering” on checks or online forms to ensure proper allocation. Alumni gifts have been used recently to support:

  • Multiple student scholarships
  • Rapid prototyping equipment
  • Upgrades to woodworking equipment and hand tools
  • Hand-held sensors for student use
  • Renovations of student work spaces
  • Multiple student scholarships