Undergraduate FAQs

1. Who is my academic advisor?

For general advisement, such as course scheduling and questions about the curriculum, please contact the Undergraduate Academic Advisor, Ms. Jazmyn Curry (jncurry@udel.edu). You will have a faculty academic advisor assigned to you for career mentoring. You can find the contact information of your faculty advisor on UDSIS. Log in and click on “Academic Advisor”. If no advisor is listed, please contact Ms. Curry or me-undergradinfo@udel.edu.

2. What does my academic advisor do?

Meeting and communicating with the Undergraduate Academic Advisor, Jazmyn Curry (jncurry@udel.edu) helps to ensure that you are prepared for registration and following the required curriculum. All questions regarding registration and other logistics, are to be directed to Ms. Curry. You will also have a faculty member as an academic advisor to mentor you with decisions on coursework related to your career goals and to discuss career directions. Your faculty academic advisor is not able to approve transfer credits or register you in classes. Please direct those questions to Ms. Curry.

3. Registration is coming up. What do I need to do before I meet with my advisor?

Review the 4-year curriculum matrix and the breadth elective requirements and be familiar with the required courses. Visit UDSIS to see your degree progress and search the offered courses for the upcoming semester to find the courses and times they are offered. Check the advisement information, mark the courses that you have already taken, and plan the courses that you would like to take. Keep in mind that engineering courses are usually only offered once per academic year.

Contact Undergraduate Academic Advisor Ms. Jazmyn Curry (jncurry@udel.edu) well in advance of your registration open date to make an appointment. If Ms. Curry is not available or if you have special circumstances, you can contact Associate Chairman for Undergraduate Education, Dr. Adam Wickenheiser, 110 Spencer Lab, or Assistant Dean Charles Shermeyer, College of Engineering, 141 DuPont Hall. Be on time for your appointment. It is your responsibility to make the changes suggested by your advisor.

4. I am having trouble registering for a class. Who do I contact?

For any questions on MEEG course registration, please contact the Mechanical Engineering Department Undergraduate Academic Advisor, Ms. Curry (jncurry@udel.edu). For other courses, you need to contact the department from where that course is offered. If you are having trouble finding the appropriate departmental contacts in those departments, Ms. Curry can help direct you to the appropriate contacts in other departments.

5. I am having trouble registering for a MATH class. Who do I contact?

For any questions on MATH registration please visit the Mathematical Sciences Department web page and follow their instructions for Math Course Registration.

6. What classes count toward Technical Electives?

In general, the following courses are acceptable for technical elective depth (as noted), but, all technical electives should be approved by the student’s academic advisor.

7. Does Independent Study (MEEG 366 or MEEG 466) count as a Technical Elective?

MEEG 466 (Senior Independent Study) counts as a technical elective. In order for MEEG 366 (Junior Independent Study) to count as a tech elective, you will have to get the faculty you are working with to write a statement saying the content in the independent study is above level. You can then use that written statement to petition the ME faculty for approval. For any questions please contact the Associate Chairman for Undergraduate Education, Dr. Adam Wickenheiser.

8. How do I declare a minor?

Login to UDSIS and click on Change of Academic Program form.

9. How do I change my major to mechanical engineering?

Mechanical Engineering is a capacity-limited program. Please refer to the registrar’s website and check under student resources for details regarding a change of major for more information. To meet with the Mechanical Engineering Undergraduate Academic Advisor to discuss your options, you can schedule an appointment by sending an e-mail to Ms. Jazmyn Curry (jncurry@udel.edu) and requesting an appointment to discuss the ME program.

10. How do I change my major from mechanical engineering to a different major?

Why would you want to be anything other than a mechanical engineer? Prior to requesting a transfer/change of major, please consult with your academic advisor. If you must, please complete the Change of Academic Program form and visit the registrar’s website on changing majors for information on restriction.

11. Can I do study abroad?

Yes! The University of Delaware has a very active study abroad program. Visit the Center for International Studies website for more information. There are often required engineering courses offered via study abroad.

12. What courses count for Honors credit?

Sometimes there are special honors sections of certain required courses offered, but any required course can be taken for “Honors” credit by arranging with the individual instructor. For undergraduate students, MEEG 600-level courses are considered honors courses in Mechanical Engineering. Also visit the Honors Program website for more information.

13. I'm interested in undergraduate research. Can I take research for credit?

Yes. You can pursue independent study for credit. We encourage you to explore the undergraduate research program. You can also earn a Degree with Distinction to students who perform undergraduate research and complete a senior thesis.

Recruitment Assistance

Undergraduate Academic Advisor
Ms. Jazmyn Curry
E: jncurry@udel.edu
P: 302-831-4578

UD Admissions Office
E: admissions@udel.edu
P: 302-831-8123