
Safety Zone

The Department of Mechanical Engineering requires all laboratory workers, including visiting researchers and students taking laboratory classes, to be trained in the safe use of equipment, chemicals, and other hazards. Note that safety training in a few topics must be completed by every laboratory worker annually.
Safety Training

Safety Training Sessions

Mandatory: Annual for all lab students and researchers

  • Right-To-Know (RTK) / Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP)
  • Chemical Waste Disposal

Once you have completed the RTK/CHP and Chemical Waster Disposal sessions, complete the RTK/CHP certificate indicating I DO USE OR WORK AROUND CHEMICALS in the checkbox. Also indicate the chemical waste training under “special training”.

Even if you will not handle hazardous materials or enter into a laboratory, you will still need to take the “Basic-Right-To-Know” under “General Safety Training” in the online safety training courses down below (in “other safety resources”).

Then, complete the RTK/CHP certificate indicating “I DO NOT USE OR WORK AROUND CHEMICALS” in the check box.

  • New Graduate Student Orientation (NGSO) – one time for all students. This training is only offered as an online safety training course (see link below in “other safety resources”). Then, complete the NGSO certificate at

Optional: As applicable for lab students and researchers.

    • Compressed Gas Safety
    • Laboratory Ventilation Safety
    • Biosafety Training
    • Laser Safety
    • Reactive Chemical Safety
    • Toxic Materials Safety
    • Radioactive Material Safety (initial)
    • Radioactive Material Safety (refresher)
    • X-Ray Safety
    • Hydrofluoric Acid Safety
    • Fire Extinguisher Safety
    • Corrosive Chemical Safety
    • Respiratory Use
    • DOT Dry Ice Shipping (online only)

For the safety training sessions above, (except for basic RTK, NGSO, corrosive chemicals, DOT dry ice, which are online only), go to the following website

Once there, select Environmental Health & Safety under “VIEW”, select the calendar or list button next to it, and then press “GO”, to see the scheduled sessions. Finally, press “Login to Register” the selected sessions.

For those of you who will also work with the human subjects, go to the following sites:

Human Subjects Training (mandatory)

CPR Training (optional)

Make two copies of each of the above COMPLETED certificates and return to Roger Stahl (room 335 Spencer Lab or mailbox in room 126 Spencer Lab)

Laboratory Inspections
Every research laboratory is inspected quarterly according to the following schedule:

  • October: UD Office of Environmental Health and Safety
  • January: Self inspection
  • April: Departmental Safety Committee
  • July: Self inspection

For More Information

MEEG Lab Coordinator
Whitney Sample
335 Spencer Lab
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